Thursday 11 October 2018

Wednsday's Training

A unseasonably warm October afternoon cut my run a little shorter than usual, much to my annoyance. I enjoy running in the sun, but this time I ran out of water. Wasn't expecting it to be as hot as that! Either I need to run when it's colder, or bring extra water - but nobody wants to be the sad sack running around a park with a bottle of water in each hand.

In other news, a friend of mine has expressed interest in applying and running the marathon with me! This is great news - it would be fantastic to run and train with a friend, especially because he's so much fitter than I am. He ran the Bristol 10k in just under forty minutes a few months prior, so he knows what he's doing. I hope to have more updates soon.

I've also set up a Facebook page to promote my progress and try to get more people involved in sponsoring me. For me, the scariest part of this entire journey is raising the £2,000 needed for Crisis. Running 26 miles seems a lot less daunting, somehow.

Today is Thursday, so I'll be taking the day off from training, but I continue to monitor my food intake, drink plenty of water, and take an energetic walk around the park on my work lunch break. Never stop training. Never stop moving.

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