Tuesday 16 October 2018

A good start to the week

Yesterday's run was pretty good, despite the constant drizzle and the sudden chill that crept in during the last fifteen minutes or so. I managed to stay on my feet while running across muddy paths and down grassy slopes (nearly fell on my arse several times!).

That's a really good time to run that kind of distance, too. I'm quite pleased with that. The early half of the run saw me hitting less than ten minutes per mile, a feat I've not managed before. The real challenge will be pacing myself for the duration of the marathon - hopefully around five hours or so. I've been talking with a friend and we've agreed that roughly and hour and ten minutes per 10k (six miles or so) is a really good time, one that can be maintained over a much longer distance than a quicker pace. For the time being, I need to keep up my three-times-a-week runs and see if I can start to push that distance further.

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