Wednesday 31 October 2018

End of chapter one

It's the end of October. One hundred and seventy eight days remain until I run the marathon. Time to take stock and see how things are going.

My best distance remains a nose over nine miles. (9.19). I'm capable of running for over ninety minutes without stopping (slowing to a gentle trot so I can drink doesn't count). I am still able to walk around once the run is over.

I'm doing my best, dang it!

I can do more. I know I can do more. The hard part is trying to push it there. If I can reach two hours - or, even better, thirteen miles - I'll be thrilled. I'd love to be able to hit that milestone before the end of the year. The hard part will be trying to do that given the cold and limited hours of sunlight.

Is this good enough? I truly don't know. My limited knowledge of absolutely every single part of this process says that I'm doing okay, but could be better. That's the way I always seem to challenge myself - okay, but could be better. It spurs me onward. I know I can do more. I want to do more. There are a lot of people counting on me. I can't let them down.

So far, I'm still enjoying it. Spent some quality time at the gym yesterday and really enjoyed going back to the Church of Gains. Running on a treadmill is much stranger than running on a road. Maybe I'll discuss that in more detail soon.

One hundred and seventy eight days to go. Plenty of miles still to rack up. Plenty of training still to be done. Plenty of money still to be raised. I can do this. I hope so, anyway...

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