Friday 19 October 2018

The most important meal of the day

Every night, I make sure to take a couple of minutes and prepare my breakfast for the next day. At the moment, I'm trying to continue slimming down as much as possible (and have less bulk to haul through London next year...), so my breakfast choices have changed recently.

I used to eat cereal every day, but that has several major flaws. Firstly, you have to eat a lot of cereal to feel full. Secondly, most cereals (the tasty ones at least) are packed with saturates and sugars. Thirdly, you need a lot of milk in the bowl or it doesn't work.

A few months back, I switched my breakfast to something much healthier - yoghurt, fruits, and porridge oats. It's a really tasty, filling, and - mostly importantly - low calorie breakfast that definitely puts me in the right frame of mind for the rest of the day. You don't even need that much, either. I use maybe a handful of frozen blueberries (or strawberries, or pineapple, whatever bags I can find in the freezer section of the supermarket, or fresh banana if there's one to hand). Combine that with two or three spoons of low-fat natural yoghurt (roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of a pot) and one scoop of porridge oats, and that's breakfast sorted.

According my calorie calculator (I use Fitbit), this weighs in at around 200 - 250 calories, easily half that of a bowl of cereal. Plus, it's more filling! Win-win.

I don't eat this every day. Sometimes - a weekend, for instance - I like to splash out and have a treat, like a sausage sandwich or a full English. There's no harm in eating these things, or having larger, more fatty breakfasts, but the key is moderation. You can't eat these things every day. Nothing good will come of it.

Now that I've bored everyone by yammering on about food and calories... my update for today is short and sweet. I'm aiming to go for a run around the park tonight with my friend Tom. He's the more experienced runner I've briefly mentioned in an earlier post. It will be really great to run with someone else and see what we can do together. That will be my third (and probably final) run for this week.

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