Thursday 18 October 2018

Wednesday's run

Managed a pretty good run yesterday, in a pretty decent time. Despite all my waffle about finding a good pace, I'm still running too fast to maintain it for longer distances. I need to work on this if I want to stand a hope in hell of getting through the marathon.

I say all this as though it's obvious, but I have absolutely no idea. Someone else told me that 70 mins/ 10K was a decent pace, so that's what I'm aiming to do. I have zero real experience in running for long distances and I've never taken part in any kind of event like this before. Everything I'm doing is totally from scratch and off my own back. I'm running as much as I can and learning more with each lap.

It feels both incredible and amazing that I'm capable of running for the length of a short movie. Less than six months ago, the thought of running for two minutes continuously was absurd. I still remember getting completely gassed and needing to sit down on a bench during my very first week of training, when all I had to do was run for sixty seconds. This is already a hell of an achievement; one that I can always look back on with pride. I've done this much. Sure, there's a long way still to go, but every time I look back on the road I've already taken, my heart swells. I never thought I'd be able to do this. Not once. And here I am.

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