Monday 22 October 2018

Summoning the energy and the willpower

It's Monday. The start of a new week. Time to begin thinking and planning my next runs. How far will I go? How warm will it be? Should I bring two bottles of water? Will I run for seven miles, or eight?

But you know what my problem is? Right now I simply can't be bothered today. I don't have the energy. The very idea of going home and changing into my running gear makes my eyes roll up into my head. Why on earth would I want to go for a ninety minute run when I could do literally anything else? I'm finding it so difficult to summon the necessary willpower that a part of me - that quiet voice in the back of my head, the voice that whispers, It's okay, take a second slice of cake - is telling me that I shouldn't bother at all today.

I've felt this way before, many times. It's okay to have these moments, to not be 100% emotionally invested and willing to go through with it. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go home. I'm going to toss my work clothes in the wash basket. I'm going to put on my shorts and my Captain America running shirt and I'm going to lace up my trainers go for a damn run.

No matter how I feel before it begins, the moment my feet start pounding the pavement, all those thoughts will disappear. I'll find the willpower inside me. Today it's hiding just out of sight. Once I start, I'll find it again. I always do.

Friday report:

Finally cracked nine miles! Felt utterly amazing. Someday soon I'll be hitting double digits. I can hardly wait. Sadly my friend Tom couldn't make it (due to a nasty sprain that has left half his foot looking like a flesh-coloured watermelon), so I went out solo. Sometimes the best encouragement comes from within.

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