Monday 15 October 2018

Rain stops play

Apparently there was a storm this weekend. I didn't see it through all the rain.

It's early October and the weather is starting to turn. This makes it a lot more challenging to get out there and train around the park. I've got a lovely thin rain jacket that's ideal for small showers and one long-sleeved running top (with another on the way). These help with staying motivated, but the hardest part of running through poor weather is getting over that mental hurdle. You know the one - the part of your brain that sees rain dribbling down the window and whispers, Naff that, let's stay at home and drink tea.

I've always found the most difficult part of trying to keep fit is maintaining the enthusiasm. You see the rain, or feel the cold, or don't really feel like it, and suddenly there are a thousand other things you could be doing instead. Why run in the pouring rain when you could wash the dishes? Besides, the weather might be better tomorrow. Why not wait and see?

One of the key challenges I've found is in keeping my motivation red-hot. It was much simpler during the summer. I could easily convince myself to get out there and do my laps, didn't matter how hot it was (and Lord it was hot this past summer!). It was always pretty easy to find reasons to go for a run back then - even something as simple as, It's a nice day would get me into my running shorts.

But now that's at an end. I've gotta start to dig deeper and deeper to find my motivation. That's when running a marathon starts to come into its own - Get up, you idiot, you need to do this! People are counting on you. That's pretty good encouragement, right there. Will it help me run through the pouring rain, though? I'm going to find out pretty soon...

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