Wednesday 14 November 2018

Work on the core!

In addition to the usual running and attempting to train my legs, I'm also working on strengthening my core. This parts isn't too tricky - before picking up running, I had a fairly intense HIIT schedule that revolved around completing one hundred press-ups, squats, dumbbell lifts, etc.

At the moment, my aim is to run 2-3 times a week (as my work pattern allows), and complete a core workout on the alternative days. Weekends off - again, where possible. This is my current core program:

That works up a pretty good sweat. Throw in some dumbbell exercises using my incline bench, and that winds up to a pretty solid fifteen minutes or so. Even this small amount has helped enormously - my core is strong enough to run eleven miles, without leaving that horrible dull ache afterward.

I've now added a new part to the end of my workout:

HOW DO THEY DO IT? My core is pretty good, but I can't stay balanced! Even time my leg comes up, my head goes down. I try to keep pace with the girl in the white top, but I can't. They look majestic and energetic. I probably resemble a beached whale being electrocuted.

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