Wednesday 7 November 2018

Rising frustration

When you start exercising regularly, your body starts to feel more and more energised with every day that passes. This is fantastic if you keep exercising, but a bloody nightmare when things go wrong and you can't get out there and burn off that excess energy.

So far this week, I haven't managed to do anything even vaguely athletic - both my own fault and due to events far beyond my control. I'm desperate to get out there and bloody run, but everything seems to be against me. It's frustrating and I hate feeling like this - pent up and full of energy.

I've been up late almost every day this week, unable to sleep or shut down at the end of the day. I need to get out there and train or hit the gym and get some miles behind me. I hate this feeling of being coiled up and squeezed into a box. Luckily, I'm off work tomorrow and hoping to get something done, though I'm not sure yet exactly what. My aim for this week was to hit eleven miles, but that's looking further and further out of reach.

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