Friday 23 November 2018

A week off!

I'm off work all next week, and a bit of the week after. My fiancé is taking the same time off, too. We have plenty of plans. Some fun (dinner dates!), some romantic (giving notice of marriage!), some inevitably tedious (Christmas shopping!). It's going to be a great week.

It gets more accurate every time I look at it.
And with plenty of free time, I'm hoping to get several good runs in during this abscence. A week off from work doesn't mean a week off from training. The best part of having this time will be the luxury of choosing when I get to hit the road/ treadmill. Avoiding the traffic? Yes please! No pedestrians cluttering the pavements and gazing over my shoulder at the bus? Go on then! A slightly warmer temperature for running? If you insist!

I don't know if I'll be updating this blog in that time, but there will definitely be regular updates on my Facebook profile. Ciao for now.

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