Friday 11 January 2019

What Crisis do

I'm running the London Marathon with the goal of raising money for Crisis, the UK's leading homeless charity. The goal has been set to raise two thousand pounds along the way - a daunting task, probably more challenging than trying to complete the marathon itself!

A worthwhile charity who support everyone that deserves it.
Luckily, we're doing really well so far. We're still waiting for a cheque to clear into my fundraising page, but so far I'm up to four hundred pounds! An utterly incredible figure that blows my mind to even think about. I'm constantly amazed at the number of people pledging their support to me in this incredible cause.

Here's where you can expect your money to go and how it will benefit people who are currently living on the streets:

£10 can give someone a warm welcome to Crisis, a cup of tea and a chat, and an initial assessment of their needs. It can provide a start to a journey out of homelessness.

£25 could help someone regain a sense of worth through healthcare and counselling. We provide a range of health checks, tailored counselling, and opportunities for exercise that can help people feel human again.

£50 can give someone the life skills or education they need to turn their life around. Crisis offer practical workshops, a chance to get qualifications, training in life and skills and expert advice.

£250 will help someone towards independence with a place of their own to call home. We support people with housing advice, support with deposits, helping to find “moving in” items and training for independent living so they can stay safe and secure in their new home.

If I manage to reach my £2,000 goal, I can help eight people to get off the streets and back into a normal life again. That's a goal worth reaching for!

There's still plenty of time to donate if you're interested. Here's the link to my fundraising page. This will be active until June, I believe, so we still have a few months to smash that goal. I'm considering adding an additional target - reach £2,500 and I'll wear some sort of costume, etc. - but we'll see how it goes.

Thank you so, so much to everyone who has donated so far. It's amazing to see so many generous people willing to support this great cause! The rest is up to me...

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