Sunday 13 January 2019

Halfway there

Yesterday, January 12th, marked the exact halfway point on my marathon journey. Halfway between me signing up for the marathon and actually going through with it.

My face right now.

I am excited. Nervous. Eager. Worried. Every time I try to picture the day - try to picture me standing at the start line, wearing my Crisis shirt - I get a knot in my stomach. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to flake out or anything like that. Even if I hurt my knee, I'm going through with this.

But to be there and actually do it - I can't imagine what the day will be like. I can't imagine how it will feel to run through London with thousands of other people while crowds gather and cheer us on. I have never experienced anything like it before. I probably never will again.

Yesterday was the halfway point. From now on, it's all downhill. 104 days. Fifteen weeks. Twenty-six miles.

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