Thursday 31 January 2019

End of chapter four

Time is marching ever onward, slowly bringing me closer and closer to the date of destiny. This time, though, I'm feeling super positive about my progress over the past month. I haven't done an excessive amount of running, but the work I've put into my leg has been paying off in spades. Today, I ran a nice, breezy six miles on the treadmill and my knees didn't ache at all. This is what progress feels like!

Any progress is progress! And I'm feeling the benefits now.
Everything is still a learning experience. I'm picking it up as I go and using every bit of information that I can read about training. My goal is still to try and hit twenty miles over the next month or two. If I can achieve that, I'll consider myself totally trained and ready. Not bad for a pudgy guy who couldn't run a full minute just eight short months ago.

Eighty six days and counting. I can do this!

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