Tuesday 23 April 2019


It is Tuesday 23rd April. The 2019 London Marathon is just over four days away. It's squeaky bum time.

I'm starting to feel the nerves and the pressure. Not just about the marathon itself - I feel strangely calm about that, I know running twenty miles is possible - but more about the day itself. I've booked a bed in a hostel a short walk from the start line. Still yet to book the coach down to London or the ride home. I think there are a few people meeting me in London on the day - my fiancé, my mum, dad, brother, brother's girlfriend, aunt, uncle, and cousin, plus our friends - maybe up to six extra people! If that doesn't give me a reason to run, nothing will.

This coming weekend is going to be pretty busy. Got a lot lined up. Firstly, I need to go to London on Friday and collect my running pack from the Marathon Expo and have lunch at my company's head office (mmm, yummy carbs! Can't wait!) On Saturday, I've got a date with destiny -

Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives, all the same.

-and then I need to head back into London and try to sleep in the hostel, if I can. Sunday... well, I'm trying not to think about Sunday too much.

My head is a whirl of things still to sort out and stuff to arrange. I get to bring a bag to the start line, so I need to prepare some kit for the night. What will I need after the run? Where will I meet everyone? How will I get home? (The answer to that last query is, 'carried on a golden throne', obviously).

Here I stand. Four days away from the end. This time next week, it will all be a memory. But what a memory it will be.

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