Monday 10 December 2018

Half a Marathon

Last night, I challenged myself to hit a personal milestone and run half the marathon in practice. I succeeded.

Look at that! Smashed it!

It was a chilly night, but dry enough to give it a go. I only slowed down a couple of times near the end - even kept running every time my headphone cable slipped out of the phone. The satisfaction of hitting this target is indescribable. Never in my wildest dreams did I even hope that I could run this far this fast. The best part is that I managed it in less than two and half hours! You could start watching Captain America: Civil War when I begin running and I'll get back in time to watch Steve and Tony beat the daylights out of each other at the climax. (Note to self: put Marvel movies on your phone and listen to them while running).

I'm paying for it now, though. Despite a wonderful sense of achievement and pride (feelings I don't often experience), my lower half is in agony. My knees ache every time I move. My right thigh is chafing like you wouldn't believe - it actually looks like a burn mark - and my back aches despite the yoga stretches Nikki put me through when I got home.

You know the weirdest part of it all? It was worth it.

Next up: twenty miles. Watch this space.

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