Monday 4 November 2019

Starting from zero

Well, here we go again.

A new challenge is on the horizon. In one hundred and thirty one days, I will tackle the Bath Half with my wife Nikki and our best friend Jodie. It's going to be a totally different experience to the London Marathon. Bath is a city filled with narrow streets, cobbled roads, and beautiful views. I have no idea what the course will look like, but I have a good idea what kind of places we'll be passing on the day.

We are running in aid of Bath Mind, a mental health charity that means a lot to us. The current goal is to each raise two hundred pounds in order to help people who really, truly deserve all the support that they can get.

A deserving local charity that we're going to support 100%

I have also signed up to run the Bristol 10k next May, with a group of total mad lads at work. That should be a lot of fun and I hope to have more details about this event soon. A half marathon in March and a 10k in May sounds like a hectic, challenging way to get back on my feet.

Since the London Marathon came to an end oh so long ago, I've really slacked off in the running department. I initally cut down my distances and managed to get pretty good at picking up the pace, but then things got pretty busy in my personal life. I married the woman of my dreams and enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon. This means that I've been eating a lot but doing nothing to shift the extra weight. I wanted to get out there and start running again, but never had the drive.

I've gained a good chunk of my former weight, too. Not a drastic amount, thankfully, but I'm now hovering in the 14.5 - 15 stone region. Considering that my weight after the marathon was a nose over 12.5, that's pretty freaking crazy. I know what I have to do. I know the challenge that's waiting for me. Now I have to pick myself up and start from zero and get back out there.

And this time, I'll have two other newbies along for the ride! I can't wait to get started again.

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