Monday 28 October 2019

Roll the Credits

The 2019 London Marathon is a distant memory now and the fundraising money has been collected and passed to Crisis. I'm delighted to say that we managed to beat the £2,000 target! What a fantastic achievement. I've never done any kind of fundraising before, so this is a wonderful moment.

I want to take this blog post as an opportunity to thank a lot of people for all their help and support. Firstly, a monumental thanks to the vast list of people who generously donated money to the cause. You've all helped less fortunate people to get back on their feet and it's much appreciated.

Grandad Carol and Alisdair
Sara from Virgin Money
Caroline Friend of your mums
Stephy Tweddle
The many anonymous donors
Heather Parker
Danni and Cliff
Everyone at the Integral CSC
Friend of your Mum
Lisa Wylie
Aaron Morgan
Sarah and John at Water Matters
Sue - friend of your Mums
Charles and Rach
Chris H
Ben G
Future [and now current] Mrs Mason
Connie Marchant
Christine Rodgers
Scott and Jo
Mum & Dad
David H
Daniel Watts
Ravi Krishnamurthy
Sarah & Alex
The Lucke’s
Felicity Hamilton
Julie W
Hollie and Jamie Cassettari
Sarah and Andy M
Lew Wilson
Bernard McPhail
N Garland
Liz Boult
Jess Burton

Secondly, I want to thank everyone who made this insane journey possible, both from my company and the lovely people at Crisis. There are a lot of names I've probably forgotten (and I'm so sorry about that!), but the names I can remember include Amanda from Integral, Neil and Gemma from JLL, and Rosie and Anna from Crisis. Thank you all for giving me the chance to fulfil a lifelong ambition and supporting me every step of the way.

Finally, I want to thank those in my life who supported me each and every step of the way. My (now) wife Nikki, my family and friends, and everyone who cheered me on during that incredible day and the seven months of hard, hard training that I completed in the build-up.

Sincerely, thank you all.

The 2019 London Marathon is over, but my next challenges are on the horizon. I'll be sharing more details soon and getting back into running shape. Can't wait to get started!

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