Monday 15 June 2020

Emerging from the bunker

Haven't posted or written anything on here in a while because there wasn't much to say. We all lived through it. Coronavirus tore the civilised world a new one and it affected everyone in some way or another. Some suffered, some lost loved ones, some lost their jobs. I'm lucky that the worst thing to happen to me is being confined to my home for months on end.

Is it safe to come out again?
Now it seems that the world is starting to rebuild. Restrictions are lifting, stores are opening, and civilians are strutting around with that same, smug air of untouchable confidence they had back in February. By the autumn, people will have forgotten everything we went through as a people.

I survived lockdown by becoming a hermit. No going to lie, it's been really nice spending time in the flat with my wife and not worrying about doing much of anything. It's been tough sometimes - getting in each other's way, not having any space, etc - but we've enjoyed the hell out of working from home.

The downside, however, is that neither of us has done much physical exercise since we entered this hibernation period so many months ago. I've managed small runs here and there, but getting back into routine - and shape! - is going to require the exact same focus, commitment, effort, and perseverance as when I first laced up my trainers in May 2018. In two years, I've gone from a fat guy to a marathon runner and back to a fat guy again. I'm almost the same weight I was at the very beginning of all this.

But this time I have a huge advantage. I already know how to run. I know that I can do it. All I need to do is get it done. I've started making myself go for runs before work - even mapped out a new route to keep things fresh and interesting for myself. I've got new music pumping away in my ears as I run. Every day, I make myself run that little bit further before breaking into a walk. I still love the thrill of rushing alogn the streets, feeling my heart race and thud in my chest. All I need is to rediscover my motivation - again.

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