Thursday 28 February 2019

End of chapter five

Fifty-eight days now remain until the 2019 London Marathon. I'm feeling a mixture of emotions as the days slowly melt away. My overall nervousness has been replaced by excitement as reality sets in. This is real. I'm going to do it. I'm really going to stand on the start line alongside thousands of other runners - both experienced and first-timers like me - and tackle the greatest endurance race in the world. It's exciting. It's nerve-wracking. It's overwhelming. One month left to finish my preparations. Can I do this? Will I last the length of the course? Will I be able to reach the finish line?

Will anyone even be able to see me?
All the advice I've read about running long-distance has advised me to 'taper' my runs in the proceeding weeks. Essentially, I will need to reach my limit about four weeks before the race, before gradually easing back on the long-distance runs in the final days. Run fifteen miles one time with three weeks to go. Ten miles with two weeks left. Six miles on the last week, etc. I'm going to give this a go and see how it works. I think the idea is to have loads of energy stored for the big day, while also avoiding any possible injuries at the last hurdle.

So how am I looking? All things considered, I think I'm in pretty good shape. Weight is a little over thirteen stone - down around four stone from this time last year. Legs are good and strong. No lasting knee problems. I'm eating right and looking after myself. It's looking good. Just gotta make a few more big pushes and then it's the final terrifying downhill slope to the day of destiny. Sunday 28th April 2019. A day that once seemed so far in the future that it was laughable. Fifty-eight days left. It's coming up fast.

It will all be worth it for this one moment. This final few hundred metres.

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